Bylaws Aug 2024 – Click Here
Standing Rules
- Any member who wishes to speak on a particular issue should contact the President of Republican Women of Purpose at least twenty-four (24) hours, one (1) day in advance in order to be approved and included on the agenda.
- A Twenty-Five Dollar ($25) memorial donation shall be sent from this Club to the Shelby County Republican Headquarters upon the death of a member or of a member’s husband or child.
- Members of the Board of Directors shall receive all Minutes, the Treasurer’s Report, and the Vice Treasurer’s Report, from the President, no later than 24 hours prior to the applicable meeting by electronic mail.
- Members in good standing shall be eligible to receive a Directory of the members of the Republican Women of Purpose on or before June of each year. Names of members whose dues are not paid by the April General Meeting shall be dropped from this Club’s roster and mailing lists. Members shall be reinstated upon full payment of dues.
- The name of this Club’s newsletter shall be THE REPUBLICAN VOICE. The Republican Voice will be emailed to members who have paid their dues by the April General Meeting of each calendar year. The name of any member who has not paid their dues by the April General Meeting will be dropped from the mailing list. New members will be added to the mailing list as soon as membership dues are processed.
- The Minutes, Treasurer’s Reports, and Directory of Members are, and shall remain, the property of the members in good standing of Republican Women of Purpose. These records are for the sole use of such members and are not to be distributed or reproduced, electronically or manually, for the use of any other person or entity.
- RWOP President or her representative shall attend all State Board Meetings, State Biennial Convention, National Biennial Convention, and Republican Party of Shelby County Executive Committee Meetings. This flow of information between the two organizations will provide our members with opportunities to participate in the RPSC and grow their knowledge of how the political system works. It will also benefit the RPSC as a source of volunteer participants.
- Any reimbursement request must be accompanied by a receipt and proper documentation. Expenses outside the budget must be approved by the Board.
- The Program Chairman shall prepare and forward the program information and speaker’s bio to the Corresponding Secretary and the Public Relations Chairman no later than the Monday before the Board meeting.
- The Public Relations Chairman shall prepare a press release and submit it to local and social media prior to each Luncheon Meeting.
- Board Meetings are limited to Board members only, unless a member or guest is invited by the President to attend.
- All correspondence from our club must be first approved by the President.
- If a member, candidate, or guest wishes to distribute printed campaign materials or other printed materials, cards, invitations, etc. at one of our RWOP meetings, they must first 2024 Leadership Training Manual 19 have made their request and received approval by our president at least 24 hours before the meeting.
- The General Membership meetings of RWOP are luncheon meetings and require a reservation for lunch which must be made in advance and are guaranteed. Members and non-members will be billed for reservations not kept. Attendees without reservations must wait to be seated until space availability has been confirmed by the Vice Treasurer. When space availability is confirmed, the Vice Treasurer will collect the cost of the luncheon and direct the attendee to their seat. The Vice Treasurer will determine if the attendee without a reservation can be accommodated.
- The President-elect shall work with the Planning and Development Committee to arrange the Leadership Training meeting for all members of her incoming Board of Directors.
- The President shall have the ability to co-sign checks with either the President Elect, Treasurer or Vice Treasurer.
- The President shall serve as a voting member of the Republican Party of Shelby County Executive Committee in accordance with requirements of the Tennessee Republican Party and the Republican Party of Shelby County.
- The President and President-elect shall serve as members of the Finance Committee.
- The President shall prepare a written history of her administration to be kept with the Presidential files and deliver them to her successor at the December Board meeting.
- The Board of Directors shall authorize expenditures of this Club and shall approve and adopt this Club’s annual budget.
- The Membership meeting of this Club shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.
- Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least two weeks preceding the regular meetings of the Membership, at such time and place as may be determined by the President.
- First time and renewing members paying dues after October 1 shall be considered paid in full as member for the following calendar year as well.
- To serve the best interest of this Club, the Nominating Committee shall be continually observant of members’ level of activity service, interest, and capabilities, to assure that the nominees selected are the best qualified. Each nominee shall be a member in good standing.
- According to Robert’s Rules of Order if a member of the Nominating Committee wishes to run for an office, she must resign from the Nominating committee meeting.
- Should the President determine circumstances require a rapid decision, the Board of Directors may cast their vote(s) by telephone or electronic mail.
Revised and Approved November 15, 2023